Aerospace & Defense Manufacturing

In the production of commercial or military aircraft, jet engines or specialized parts used in defense manufacturing, exacting tolerances and strict specifications are commonplace. Wastewater treatment for aerospace manufacture is no different – rinse water used in the production of aluminum, titanium and other composites produces high levels of hazardous wastes and must be precisely treated. With decades of experience in the industry and with expertise in automation and controls often used in aerospace wastewater treatment, MacDermid Envio is particularly well-suited to provide the right solutions the first time.


Solving Unique Water Problems

Treating wastewater and purifying process water for aerospace manufacturing, though similar to treatments utilized in conventional metal plating, is full of unique challenges because of the need for highly pure water. As a result, the adoption of reuse and recycle systems using ion exchange technologies are a particularly good fit for this industry. Our extensive expertise in water recycling and our knowledge of worldwide regulatory limitations, makes MacDermid Envio a great choice for aerospace manufacturing.

Aerospace components manufacturers, especially defense contractors, use cyanide cadmium plated components for high-wear, high-tolerance parts. The process causes toxic waste that must be carefully treated. The waste streams also contain concentrated suspended solids, making sludge management and disposal costly. Finally, water usage for metal plating, composite molding and electronics manufacture is very high, often prompting the need for in-plant recycling solutions.

We also have expertise in aerospace subsectors such as engine manufacture, airframe construction, die casting, electronics and semiconductor manufacturing, and more.


Aerospace & Defense




Aircraft & Airframe Manufacturing
Armed Services
Electric Motors
Aircraft Engine Manufacturing
Die Casting
Paint Stripping – Aircraft
Titanium & Aluminum Construction
Ball Bearings