Automotive & Heavy Industry

Manufacturing automobiles, construction machinery, and agricultural equipment often generates a variety of messy byproducts. Even the manufacturing of the components such as axles, radial tires, and engines which comprise these machines produce waste. Likewise, manufacturing plants harbor numerous contaminants, such as oil, heavy greases, lubricants, and metal finishing. Other harmful pollutants found at worksites include dirt, molten salts from heat treatment, as well as dirty, oily water. Due to the potential hazard these contaminants pose, wastewater treatment is necessary for proper filtration.

Automotive Manufacturing


A multitude of manufacturing processes in the automotive industry produce wastewater. Some of the generators of wastewater include painting and coating, vehicle washing, airbag and air conditioning system manufacturing, rubber tire manufacturing, vehicle component fabrication, bearings and brake manufacturing, metal finishing, and much more. The treatment of this high volume of wastewater must adhere to stringent environmental regulations.

Automotive wastewater treatment also minimizes corrosion, equipment blockages, and chemical costs. Alongside these benefits, it also protects against biofuels, significantly prolonging equipment life by protecting against service disruptions or critical system failures.



Fabricating equipment for the transportation sector generates wastewater contaminated with greases and oils, similar to automotive manufacturing. In addition, equipment across all transportation mode—including air, highway, rail, sea, and waterways—must be durable with a long service life, which often involves specialized metal finishing treatments for large-sized components, which can generate significant wastewater. It’s important for manufacturers of transportation equipment to implement comprehensive wastewater treatment solutions that can handle the variety of specialty chemicals in the wastewater they generate.

construction equipment

Machinery for Building and Construction

Water is also a key component of many construction projects, such as excavations and establishing foundations. Likewise, water serves well to cool construction equipment operating at extreme heats, such as drilling rigs, boring machines, cutting machines, among many others. Unexpected rain during a construction project may also cause effluent seepage. To prevent effluent seepage into a public stream or settling into the soil, wastewater generated by construction sites must receive appropriate consideration.

farm equipment

Agricultural Machinery

Crucial for farm management, agricultural wastewater treatment helps to sustain the productivity and longevity of a farm business. Wastewater treatment controls surface runoff, which contains many harmful contaminants such as pesticides, fertilizers, crop residues, manure, and irrigated water. Sediment and nutrient runoff also contribute to agricultural pollution. Excess sediment runoff negatively impacts aquatic biodiversity. Likewise, nutrient runoff contains harmful chemicals such as nitrogen and phosphorus. With wastewater treatment, agricultural machinery and farming methods can work at their maximum production potential, alongside the environment.

Automotive heavy industrial

Automotive & Heavy Industry Wastewater Solutions from MacDermid Envio

Much of the Clean Water Act in 1972 came about in large part as a response to the high levels of wastewater produced by automotive, transportation and heavy machinery manufacturers. It was that demand that allowed MacDermid Envio to thrive as we offered our solutions and expertise to plants and facility in need of better wastewater management. At MacDermid Envio, we specialize in helping our clients meet all required federal, state, and local wastewater requirements.

With over 50 years of experience, MacDermid Envio understands the vast range of wastewater management needs in heavy industry. Working closely with your business, we will find the appropriate equipment, controls, and chemicals to best integrate into your existing production process. If you would like to learn more about MacDermid Envio and the wastewater solutions we provide, feel free to contact us today.

Custom treatment solutions

MacDermid Envio's wastewater treatment solutions maximizes a variety of manufacturing elements.

Production efficiency
Heat transfer and cooling
Water flow and quality
Water reuse capabilities