Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Most industrial manufacturing processes create wastewater that must be at least partially cleaned prior to discharge. Because of the broad range of possible pollutants, regulations that can vary by location, and the cost impacts of differing treatment approaches, there is no “one size fits all” package. MacDermid Envio recognizes the complicated nature of wastewater treatment, and for 45 years, has meticulously employed expertise, including mechanical, chemical and biological solutions, for the technical and financial optimization of each of our clients’ needs.

system parts

Equipment designed to meet the biggest wastewater challenges

MacDermid Envio brings a wealth of experience and technology to the in-house manufacture of integrated wastewater treatment solutions. Using high-quality components, our systems are designed to let you realize maximum efficiency with the most cost-effective methods. From the removal of heavy metals or the separation of oils and grease, to the reduction of chemicals or organics, we will work with you to provide equipment, controls and chemicals that meet your discharge requirements and best integrate with your existing production processes.

Mechanical Solutions

With over 45 years of wastewater treatment experience, MacDermid Envio understands and implements best-in-class technologies for industrial effluent solutions.

Continuous Flow Systems

MacDermid Envio's continuous flow treatment systems are an ideal solution for high-volume applications and rapidly fluctuating treatment demands. Because of the importance of continuous flow to production, there is usually a high degree of automation and remote monitoring with these systems.

Batch Treatment Systems

MacDermid Envio's batch treatment systems (or BT Series) are designed to segment and handle complicated waste streams in batches of 1000 to 10,000 gallons. The resulting process lowers overall complication and can significantly reduce long-term operating costs in many industries.

Water Recycling Systems

MacDermid Envio's water recycling and reuse systems (or WR Series) are designed to be a practical approach to the capture and reuse of industrial wastewater. Whether you need more water for your process, don’t have a sewer discharge connection or have corporate sustainability goals, MacDermid Envio's systems are a smart choice.


The Chemical Equation for Wastewater Treatment

Chemical optimization is designed as part of our complete wastewater treatment solution, and is a key piece of our integrated approach. But MacDermid Envio doesn’t just sell chemicals - we are a true chemical manufacturing company, with ISO 9001:2015 certified facilities, that brings decades of experience developing and blending chemicals designed to work cohesively with systems. Pairing chemicals that work in harmony with your specific equipment design not only creates the best possible treatment conditions and helps you stay in compliance, but also offers long-term advantages that positively impact operating costs.

Chemical Solutions

MacDermid Envio’s unique approach to integrate mechanical and chemical solutions makes us the best choice for your wastewater needs. Our ability to rapidly adapt to changing technology and regulations makes us your optimal single source solutions partner, ready to address challenges such as:

Heavy Metals Removal
COD, BOD Reduction
Reduction of Total Suspended Solids
Sludge Conditioning
Zero Liquid Discharge
Odor Control
Foam Control
Separation of Fats, Oils & Grease


EnvioCARE is our customizable Service Program that allows you to select from a range of wastewater and environmental systems support options, ensuring continued environmental compliance. Maintenance, supervision, engineering, training and routine analysis are all available to mix and match to your specific requirements.