Reduce POTW Surcharges with MacDermid Envio Wastewater Solutions

Sep 28, 2017

As wastewater regulations change and publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) have increasing difficulty keeping up with the demand of treating wastewater, it becomes advantageous for companies to invest in onsite wastewater capital equipment, especially in the food and beverage industry, who historically have not done this. The surcharges imposed on companies from local municipalities continue to rise, and the costs have become such that the practice of simply paying the surcharges no longer makes financial sense in many cases.

Here at MacDermid Envio, we provide recommendations to decrease total oxygen demand (TOD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) levels. We take onsite water samples, and after careful analysis, work out exactly what we need to do to get measurements below the POTW recommended levels so you can reduce or even eliminate surcharges.

As environmental regulations change, the kind of wastewater accepted by POTWs without incurring surcharges changes as well. Your company may have once been in compliance, but now it is incurring surcharges. Or, the surcharges have increased dramatically. Worse, POTW complaints made public can harm a company’s reputation. No one wants to be known as the worst polluter in the city, state, or —heaven forbid— country.

MacDermid Envio has a team of experts, each with at least 15 years of experience, who can diligently access your facility’s operation and analyze your wastewater. Our biggest differentiator is our long-term, renewable Performance Guarantee Program, which ensures 100% accountability for any design flaws on our part. What that means is we’re willing to completely furnish a new system on our dime if we make a mistake. MacDermid Envio's approach, along with its 45 years of experience, sets us apart from the competition. Further, we have chosen to exclusively focus on providing wastewater equipment and chemicals for industrial firms. We work with facilities to find an optimal solution using a modular approach that reduces costs in the long-term. Since implementing wastewater solutions is all we do, our expertise and knowledge isn’t spread across different products and services. You will appreciate the advantages we offer by being specialists in our field.

A great example of what we can do for you involves work we did for two food manufacturers. With one particular healthy snack food manufacturer, we were able to help the company completely eliminate surcharges costing them $100,000 per year, saving the company money, and more importantly, their reputation. We were also able to help a popular whipped cream processor save $47,000 in compliance, $237,000 in waste disposal, and $148,000 in chemicals while reducing waste stream solids by 57 percent.

As the costs of wastewater compliance increase, it’s becoming more and more important to make sure your wastewater is as clean as you can make it before it ever reaches the POTW. MacDermid Envio has the experience and the expertise to improve the cleanliness of your outflows and, as a result, improve your reputation and your bottom line. Whether you are a food producer, a craft brewery, automotive manufacturer or other manufacturer dealing with wastewater challenges, our services will help you find cost-saving opportunities that will add up in the long run.

Your business does not have to face continual increases in surcharges. Learn how to reduce or even eliminate surcharges from POTWs by contacting MacDermid Envio Corporation today!