Cooling Water

At MacDermid Envio, we understand how critical managing your cooling water is, and how important it is to maintain heat transfer, maximize production, minimize health risks, and prolong equipment life. So no matter what your cooling water challenge is, MacDermid Envio can help.

Water cooling

Expertise in cooling water treatment

Our expertise in cooling water treatment and compliance ranges across a wide variety of industries and applications to provide you with an integrated solution customized to your facilities, processes, and equipment. MacDermid Envio provides customized corrosion inhibitors, antiscalants, cleaners, antifoulants, biocides, dispersants, and defoamers to help minimize the risk of equipment failure, maximize your heat transfer rate, improve your system efficiency, and extend the life of your capital equipment.

Customized cooling water solutions

Regardless of the type, difficulty, or urgency of your cooling water issue, MacDermid Envio can solve it economically. We welcome the opportunity to help you optimize your cooling water management, stay in compliance, and improve your bottom line.






Maximize water quality and water flow
Maximize water recycle and reuse
Maximize heat transfer
Minimize water use, intake, and discharge
Minimize chemical costs, dosages, and energy use
Protect against biofouling such as algae, bacteria, fungi, and slime
Protect against health risks such as Legionella
Prolong equipment life 
Protect against unscheduled service disruptions or system failures