Upgrades for Existing Systems

Your wastewater system will never be a profit center for your business, but it doesn’t have to cost you as much as it currently does. Wastewater treatment system upgrades offer great investment payback by allowing the re-allocation of labor, increased efficiency, productivity and by the elimination of errors or downtime. Let MacDermid Envio show you how your system and your operations can benefit from upgrades.


Your water treatment system is the bottleneck

Your business is growing. It is a great problem to have, except when production outpaces water treatment capacities, or manufacturing now includes processes that were not originally included in the waste treatment strategy.

If you’ve outgrown your capabilities or changed your processes, MacDermid Envio can explain and configure the best possible upgrade path for your business. And the best part? MacDermid Envio builds its systems with a modular approach, meaning the next big spike in business will already include a water treatment plan.

system parts

Upgrade what?

You know why to upgrade - lower operating costs and increase throughput - but do you know what parts to upgrade to give you the best use of your expenditure?

MacDermid Envio’s consultative approach means we’ll look at your current issue and your future plans from every possible angle. As a result, you’ll get the most cost-effective long-term plan for your business.

Water Quality all inclusive

All-inclusive upgrades

Upgrades aren’t just mechanical. MacDermid Envio provides complete chemical solutions as well. Our chemical specialists and laboratory experts will evaluate your water and your entire process to help you better understand how and where our specialty chemical blends can help reduce costs and improve uptime.

Upgrading existing systems

MacDermid Envio creates custom upgrade solutions with both Automation and Remote Support

Controls upgrades
Non MES equipment
Performance Guarantee